5 pages tagged with Monthly giving:
- At last, some genuinely fresh thinking in press advertising from a charity Discover what’s so special about this ad from Sightsavers that it made Andrew Papworth go ‘Wow!’
- Book Aid International: the Reverse Book Club This medium level structured monthly giving scheme is a good example of a fundraising product that has been specifically designed to fit the needs of donors to a very particular and specific cause.
- Breakthrough Breast Cancer: ‘Touch, Look, Check’ campaign This campaign successfully united two aims: to increase knowledge of breast cancer warning signs and recruit a large number of regular givers.
- Greenpeace Frontline: launch of a high level monthly giving scheme This was an early monthly giving scheme by Greenpeace UK. Within a short while, one fifth of all its income was coming from Frontline members.
- The science of fundraising: Ask a behavioural scientist, part three Does naming your campaign improve acquisition? What should you call your monthly donor programme? The answer to these and other fundraising questions may be found in behavioural science.